Logger is a powerful PSR-3 logger for PHP that is simple to use.
Simplicity is achieved by providing great defaults. No options to configure! Yet flexible enough to meet most logging needs. And if your application's logging needs expand beyond what Logger provides, since it implements PSR-3, you can drop in another great PSR-3 logger like MonoLog in its place when the time comes with minimal changes.
Made by markrogoyski
use Solital\Core\Resource\Logger;
$channel = 'events';
$logger = new Logger($channel);
$logger->info('Logger really is simple.');
That's it! Your application is logging!
use Solital\Core\Resource\Logger;
$channel = 'billing';
$logger = new Logger($channel);
$logger->info('Begin process that usually fails.', ['process' => 'invoicing', 'user' => $user]);
try {
invoiceUser($user); // This usually fails
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$logger->error('Billing failure.', ['process' => 'invoicing', 'user' => $user, 'exception' => $e]);
Logger output
2017-02-13 00:35:55.426630 [info] [billing] [pid:17415] Begin process that usually fails. {"process":"invoicing","user":"bob"} {}
2017-02-13 00:35:55.430071 [error] [billing] [pid:17415] Billing failure. {"process":"invoicing","user":"bob"} {"message":"Could not process invoice.","code":0,"file":"/path/to/app.php","line":20,"trace":[{"file":"/path/to/app.php","line":13,"function":"invoiceUser","args":["mark"]}]}
Log lines have the following format:
YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss.uuuuuu [loglevel] [channel] [pid:##] Log message content {"Optional":"JSON Contextual Support Data"} {"Optional":"Exception Data"}
Log lines are easily readable and parsable. Log lines are always on a single line. Fields are tab separated.
Logger has eight log level severities based on PSR Log Levels.
$logger->debug('Detailed information about the application run.');
$logger->info('Informational messages about the application run.');
$logger->notice('Normal but significant events.');
$logger->warning('Information that something potentially bad has occured.');
$logger->error('Runtime error that should be monitored.');
$logger->critical('A service is unavailable or unresponsive.');
$logger->alert('The entire site is down.');
$logger->emergency('The Web site is on fire.');
By default all log levels are logged. The minimum log level can be changed in two ways: * Optional constructor parameter * Setter method at any time
use Solital\Core\Resource\Logger;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
// Optional constructor Parameter (Only error and above are logged [error, critical, alert, emergency])
$logger = new Logger($logfile, $channel, LogLevel::ERROR);
// Setter method (Only warning and above are logged)
Logger enables logging best practices to have general-use log messages with contextual support data to give context to the message.
The second argument to a log message is an associative array of key-value pairs that will log as a JSON string, serving as the contextual support data to the log message.
// Add context to a Web request.
$log->info('Web request initiated', ['method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => 'user/account', 'queryParameters' => 'id=1234']);
// Add context to a disk space warning.
$log->warning('Free space is below safe threshold.', ['volume' => '/var/log', 'availablePercent' => 4]);
Exceptions are logged with the contextual data using the key exception and the value the exception variable.
catch (\Exception $e) {
$logger->error('Something exceptional has happened', ['exception' => $e]);
Think of channels as namespaces for log lines. If you want to have multiple loggers or applications logging to a single log file, channels are your friend.
Channels can be set in two ways: * Constructor parameter * Setter method at any time
use Solital\Core\Resource\Logger;
// Constructor Parameter
$channel = 'router';
$logger = new Logger($logfile, $channel);
// Setter method
When developing, you can turn on log output to the screen (STDOUT) as a convenience.
$logger->debug('This will get logged to STDOUT as well as the log file.');
Suppose you need a logger to meet an injected dependency during a unit test, and you don't want it to actually log anything.
You can set the log level to Logger::LOG_LEVEL_NONE
which won't log at any level.
use Solital\Core\Resource\Logger;
$logger->info('This will not log to a file.');