Builder SQL

You can create and remove tables, add a foreign key, add a column to the table, among other SQL commands using the SQL class and the Vinci Console. This class is found in the app/Database.


namespace Solital\Database;

use Solital\Core\Database\Create\Create;

class SQL extends Create
     * @return void
    public function tableExample(): void
                        ->varchar('name', 100)->notNull()

And in vinci, execute the method as follows:

php vinci katrina:tableExample

Cache of SQL commands

For each run that is made, a cached file will be generated. This file is important if you want to keep a history of the commands that were executed.

To find the directory of these cached files, go to the sql folder inside app/Storage/cache.

NOTE: Whenever you clear the cache with the php vinci cache-clear command, the cached SQL files are also deleted.

Default username and password

You can create a standard database login table using the command php vinci katrina-auth. This command will insert a default email and password. To authenticate, use the email and password solital

NOTE: When creating the login structure with the command php vinci katrina-auth, the method userAuth is executed automatically, it is not necessary to execute it later.

Dump Database

It is possible to create a backup of your entire database. First, make sure your .env file has the correct connection.

On Windows

By default, on Windows you need to run an exe file from your database. For this, you can add in the variables the path where this exe file is located: MYSQL_DUMP (For MySQL database) and PG_DUMP (For PostgreSQL database).

# This is an example of a project using XAMPP. 
# The file "mysqldump.exe" is located in this directory.


Then, just run the php vinci katrina-dump command to dump the database. The created file will be saved to app/Storage/dump.

What to see next?

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