Controllers and Models


The model is responsible for the abstraction of the database. Therefore, all methods that will access the database for modifications or returns must be developed in the model.

In the controller we just call our model, which is the class responsible for the abstraction. When we retrieve the data, we send it to our vision.

To create a model and a controller, you must use the following commands:

# Create a Model
php vinci create:model User

# Create a controller
php vinci create:controller UserController

You can use the --remove option to remove a model or controller

Using controller in the route

To use a controller on any route you create within the routers/ folder, you must use the following syntax:

Course::get('/', 'UserController@home')->name('forgot');

The name after the @ will be the name of the method to be called. For example, you must have the home method inside your UserController controller.

You can load the entire controller (where url matches method names - getIndex(), postIndex(), putIndex()). The url paths will determine which method to render. For example:

Router Method
GET /animals getIndex()
GET /animals/view getView()
POST /animals/save postSave()

To do this, use the controller method.

Course::controller('/animals', ControllerAnimals::class);

Creating model and controller with one command

Solital has a command to generate model and controller with just one command:

php vinci generate:files --component=User

Remember to use the --component option. This command will create a Model class, a Controller class, a migration and a Seeder class.

Creating a resource

We often use a controller to do CRUD() operations. To create a controller in resource format, use the --resource option.

php vinci create:controller ResourceController --resource

When creating a resource type controller, the class will have the following structure:


class ResourceController
    public function index() : ?string
        echo 'index';
        return null;

    public function show($id) : ?string
        echo 'show ' . $id;
        return null;

    public function store() : ?string
        echo 'store';
        return null;

    public function create() : ?string
        echo 'create';
        return null;

    public function edit($id) : ?string
        echo 'edit ' . $id;
        return null;

    public function update($id) : ?string
        echo 'update ' . $id;
        return null;

    public function destroy($id) : ?string
        echo 'destroy ' . $id;
        return null;

You can use this resource on a specific route with the resource() method.

Course::resource('/resource', ResourceController::class);

Helpers for controllers

Solital has some helpers for you to use in your controllers. The helpers below have methods that should only be used in controllers.


You can use password helpers, or use the passHash and passVerify methods.

Password hash

pass_hash($password, int $cost = 10)

# With method on Controller
$this->passHash($password, $info = false)

Password verify

pass_verify($password, string $hash)

# With method on Controller
$this->passVerify($password, $hash)


You have the option to limit the number of requests in a controller, and also check if a value has already been sent previously.

Request limit

request_limit(string $key, int $limit = 5, int $seconds = 60)

# With method on Controller
$this->requestLimit(string $key, int $limit = 5, int $seconds = 60)

Request repeat

request_repeat(string $key, string $value)

# With method on Controller
$this->requestRepeat(string $key, string $value)

Redirect to another router

to_route(string $url, ?int $code = null)

# Or, use a method on Controller
$this->redirect(string $url, ?int $code = null)

Remove params from URL


# With method on Controller

Get input-parameters

input(string $index = null, string $defaultValue = null, ...$methods)

# With method on Controller
$this->getRequestParams(string $index = null, string $defaultValue = null, ...$methods)

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